CASTALIE is part of the circular economy, by avoiding the use of millions of single-use plastic bottles in companies, hotels, events and restaurants.
We propose a global solution to learn again how to drink water without having a big impact on the environment.
All our water fountains are eco-conceived in France, and made in France or in Italy, as well as all our bottles and flasks.
They are made with recyclable materials (glass and inox) and the water comes directly from the local water supply network.
Our fountains can be easily repaired and are reconditioned to have a second life.
CASTALIE is also a member of the Social Solidarity Economy, we work with local entities and have a partnership with an ESAT (assisted employment centers).
Today, more than 2500 clients have chosen CASTALIE’s solution and thanks to them, we have avoided 105 millions plastic bottles since 2012 !